At Cleveland Deburring Machine Company (CDMC), we are not jacks-of-all-trades. We are a master of one. We create deburring solutions. We are a team of highly experienced designers and manufacturers of deburring equipment. At our core, we pride ourselves on connecting with each customer on a technical level to achieve the best possible solution for your application. To that end, we offer a large and well-test array of different methods of deburring and have alliances with companies who specialize in other areas of metal finishing so that we can assist you with any deburring application.
We offer confidential and customized deburring solutions for exotic, difficult, and unpredictable materials — including high nickel alloy materials, titanium and more. With parts that require high cycle times or machines that are highlight flexible, you’ll want a deburring solution that’s precise and of the highest quality. At CDMC, that’s our priority, and that’s our expertise.
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